Islam and public life منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

اهلا بيكم فى المنتدى الاسلامى اتمنى لكم احلى الاوقات فى زكر الله وحب الله

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

Islam and public life منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه يرحب بكم

اهلا بيكم فى المنتدى الاسلامى اتمنى لكم احلى الاوقات فى زكر الله وحب الله

Islam and public life منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 1 عُضو حالياً في هذا المنتدى :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 1 زائر :: 1 روبوت الفهرسة في محركات البحث

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 64 بتاريخ الجمعة 11 أغسطس 2017 - 20:39
المواضيع الأخيرة
» حرف واحد فى القران الكريم فيه اعجاز مزلزل
The work of the angels Emptyالسبت 4 نوفمبر 2017 - 23:15 من طرف احمدااا

» معجزة إلهية تحير العلماء فى أمريكا .....
The work of the angels Emptyالجمعة 3 نوفمبر 2017 - 12:46 من طرف admin

» اقصر موضوع فى هذا المنتدى
The work of the angels Emptyالثلاثاء 31 أكتوبر 2017 - 0:08 من طرف احمدااا

» اعجاز عددى فى سوره الفيل
The work of the angels Emptyالإثنين 30 أكتوبر 2017 - 21:53 من طرف احمدااا

» جديد// الاعجاز العلمى فى قوله تعالى (فى ادنى الارض) بالتوثيق العلمى
The work of the angels Emptyالأحد 29 أكتوبر 2017 - 22:04 من طرف احمدااا

» استخرج معجزه قرانيه بنفسك
The work of the angels Emptyالسبت 28 أكتوبر 2017 - 22:41 من طرف احمدااا

» ابحث عن هذا الرقم فى سوره الكوثر
The work of the angels Emptyالسبت 28 أكتوبر 2017 - 0:09 من طرف احمدااا

» إكتشاف دورة حياة الشمس ودورانها بهدي القرآن
The work of the angels Emptyالسبت 15 أكتوبر 2016 - 10:02 من طرف admin

» الاسلام يدعو للتفكر
The work of the angels Emptyالخميس 13 أكتوبر 2016 - 16:39 من طرف admin

مواضيع مماثلة
    أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
    لا يوجد مستخدم

    الصداع ( وجع الرأس)

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 16:00 من طرف admin

    الصداع ( وجع الرأس)

    العلاج بالقراءة

    *ارفع اليدين كما هو الحال في الدعاء واقرأ سورة الحمد والإخلاص والمعوذتين ثم امسح يديك على جسمك ومكان الألم تشفى بإذن الله.
    *ضع يدك على موضع الألم وقل ثلاث مرات : (( الله ، الله ، الله …

    تعاليق: 0

    يات السكينة وادعية التحصين والرقي

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:59 من طرف admin

    آيات السكينة وادعية التحصين والرقية -
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اخواتي في الله

    هذه ادعية التحصين وآيات السكينة وادعية الرقية كي تستنزلوا بها الرحمات وتستدفعوا بها شر الاشرار وشر شياطين الجن والانس

    بسم الله …

    تعاليق: 0

    تحصين شامل وبسيط

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:58 من طرف admin

    ***أعوذبالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم.من همزه ونفخه ونفثه

    ****اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من كل شيطان وهامه ومن كل عين لاامه

    ***أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ماخلق

    ****أعوذ بوجه الله الكريم وبكلمات الله التامات.الاتي …

    تعاليق: 0

    الحسد ( العين ) :

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:57 من طرف admin

    الحسد ( العين ) :


    بما أن الحسد هو تمني زوال نعمة الغير إذا هو
    يؤثر على الشيء الذي تقع عليه العين كالإنسان ،
    وما يحتويه جسده من صحة ، وعافية ، والبيت ،
    وأثاثه ، والدابة ، والمزرعة ، واللباس ، والشراب
    ، والطعام ، والأطفال …

    تعاليق: 0

    هل الرقية خاصة بمرض معين ؟

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:56 من طرف admin

    هل الرقية خاصة بمرض معين ؟

    قد يتبادر إلى الذهن أن الرقية خاصة بعلاج أمراض
    العين والسحر والمس ،

    وليس لها نفع أو تأثير في الشفاء من الأمراض
    الأخرى كالعضوية والنفسية والقلبية !!
    وهذا غير صحيح ، ومفهوم خاطئ عن الرقية يجب
    أن …

    تعاليق: 0

    ثمة أمور نحب أن ننبهك عليها للتذكير لا للتعليم ومنها :

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:55 من طرف admin

    ثمة أمور نحب أن ننبهك عليها للتذكير لا للتعليم ومنها :

    1 ـ الاعتماد على الله سبحانه وتعالى وتفويض الأمر إليه ،
    وكثرة الدعاء والإلحاح في طلب الشفاء ،
    فهذه الرقية ما هي إلا سبب أقامه الله تعالى ليظهر
    لعباده أنه هو المدبر …

    تعاليق: 0

    المراد بالرقية

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:55 من طرف admin

    المراد بالرقية :

    هي مجموعة من الآيات القرآنية والتعويذات
    والأدعية المأثورة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
    يقرؤها المسلم على نفسه ، أو ولده ، أو أهله ،
    لعلاج ما أصابه من الأمراض النفسية أو ما وقع له من
    شر أعين الإنس والجن ، …

    تعاليق: 0

    الفرق بين التحصين والرقية

    الأربعاء 13 فبراير 2013 - 15:53 من طرف admin

    بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
    الفرق بين التحصين والرقية
    اختلط مفهوم الرقيه والتحصين لدى البعض ولعلنا نوضح في هذا الموضوع مفهوم الرقيه والتحصين:
    << التحصين >>
    كلمة …

    تعاليق: 0

    رقيه عامه بازن الله بنيه المرض

    الثلاثاء 24 يوليو 2012 - 13:24 من طرف admin

    1)-الفاتحة 0

    2)- ( الم * ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لا رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ *
    الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلاةَ وَمِمَّا
    رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ * وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ

    تعاليق: 0


    نتائج البحث

    Rechercher بحث متقدم

    هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 116 عُضو.
    آخر عُضو مُسجل هو ابراهيم فمرحباً به.

    أعضاؤنا قدموا 1778 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 1758 موضوع
    أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الأسبوع
    لا يوجد مستخدم

    منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه
    المنتدى ملك احمد عبد العزيز محمد هيكل

    جميع الحقوق محفوظة
    لـ{منتدى الاسلام والحياه العامه } 
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    The work of the angels

    اذهب الى الأسفل

    The work of the angels Empty The work of the angels

    مُساهمة من طرف admin الإثنين 4 نوفمبر 2013 - 12:48

    The work of the angels

    First: the angels and Adam u

    Asked the angels Lord about the wisdom of the creation of Adam ; because they knew that it is falling from the sons of Adam corruption and bloodshed and disobedience and Hamlet, as he says: ) Taking your Lord said to the angels, I will create in the ground Khalifa said أتجعل where the spoil them and shed blood and we praise praise be and cherish you said I know what you do not know ( ( Al - Baqarah : Verse 30 )

    Ibn Katheer said: The meaning is that God said to the angels , I will make the earth a people succeed each other, century after century, generation after generation, and the angels said : ) أتجعل where the spoil them and shed blood ( ( Al-Baqarah: verse 30), and they wanted it that this sex from doing so , as if they knew that the knowledge of a special , or what they understood of human nature. and say angels this is not the face of opposition to God, not on the face of envy for the sons of Adam , but it is a question query and explore the wisdom in that saying : O Lord what wisdom in the creation of these , although some of them سيفسد in the ground and shed blood . and if you want to worship , we praise praise be and cherish you, which does not issue us anything , it Could signed exclusively with us? Almighty said: ) I know what you do not know ( ( Sura : Verse 30 ), which I know of interest paramount in the creation of this breed, the evil that you have mentioned , what you do not know you , I will make them prophets and sent them apostles , and there were righteous and the martyrs and the righteous and the subjects and ascetics , and saints and the righteous and close .

    Then came the great dignity of Adam; when God singled out the knowledge of the names of everything , without the angels. Then God commanded his angels to prostrate to him, indicated by so many conversations , as well , including: the words of the Messenger of Allah r : ) meets the believers , the Day of Resurrection , and they say , : if A_i_fna to our Lord? Adam shall come , and say : you Abu People , God created you in his hand , and worship you his angels , and knowing the names of all something , Vashva of us at the Lord ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 6962 ) .

    Including the words of Moses u to Adam u:) You are Adam, who creation of God in his hand , inflatable Vick of his soul, and worship you angels and Oskink in committee ( ( Narrated by Muslim , modern figure 4795 ), the God when did the creation of Adam , is the Angels, who were with the devil, a private , without the angels in the heavens : prostrate to Adam, they worshiped all wholes , but the devil, my father and arrogant , what was happening in the same arrogance and being deceived . when my father أبلسه God, Isiah of all goodness , and make it a demon Rgima , the penalty for sin.

    There are two opinions of scientists : Do you ordered to prostrate to Adam special angels earth, or in the angels of heaven and earth, visible verse ) worshiped angels all أجمعون (73 ), but the devil was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers ( (Surah Al : verses 73, 74 ) is a general, and God I know .

    Second : guarding the son of Adam

    He says: ) has Makabbat of his hands and his successor keep it from God's command ( ( Thunder : verse 11) . Ibn Abbas said that المعقبات ( angels) , made ​​them God to keep the man in front of him and behind him , if came , God forbid, which was estimated to reach it passed away with him .

    Mujahid said: " There is no slave , but his king, a client saved in his sleep and waking , of the jinn and mankind and vermin. So which things come to him , but the king said to him : behind you , but something God authorized it , Faisiba " .

    Third: move emitters goodness in the hearts of the subjects

    And all the God of all human companion of the angels and the companion of the jinn , the Messenger of Allah said : ) is only one of you has all the companion of the jinn . They said: Beware , O Messenger of Allah . He said: on me , but God helped me it , Voslm , not telling me , but okay ( ( Narrated by Muslim , recipe book Paradise: Hadith No. 5034 ) .

    This consort of angels , but the angels who ordered save your work . And assigned rights of the angels and the presumption of gin human Ataoran , this ordering him evil and desire it, and that urges him to do good and they desire it.

    He says: ) those who say our Lord God and then استقاموا descend upon them angels not be afraid do not grieve and Cheer Paradise which you were promised (30 ) We أولياؤكم in life and in the Hereafter, and where you what you crave yourselves and you where what you claim (31) got off Forgiving, Most Merciful ( ( Sura separated : verses 30 - 32).

    Any descend the angels of the faithful , who are sincere in words and deeds , when Ahtdharhm , Tbasharham well, and go evil, and say to them : We were أولياءكم , any Qrinakm in this life, Nsddkm and Novqkm , and Nhfezkm order of God , as well as be with you in the afterlife, and Nans you loneliness in graves, and when Puff photographs and Namenkm the Resurrection day , and Njawz you the straight path, and connect you to the gardens of bliss .

    IV : Registration of the sons of Adam

    Angels موكلون save and write business sons of Adam , of good and evil , and those are concerned , saying: ), although you for حافظين (10) كراما clerks ( (Sura الانفطار : verses 10, 11) . Has all the God of all human kings were present, not Evarkana , Ihsaan it his work and his words. His right writes Favors , and the owner of north writes disadvantages .

    Anas said: The Messenger of Allah , r) what حافظين lifted to God what memorization of day or night and finds God in the first newspaper in another newspaper good but God said أشهدكم I have forgiven my servant between the parties to the newspaper ( ( Narrated by al-Tirmidhi , the modern figure 903 ) , and Abu Hurayrah said , r) that God, the angels know the sons of Adam and they know their business , if they looked to Abdul obey God works they mentioned , including Prince , and said : returned night person . God so and so survived . If they looked at the Abdul Allah 's disobedience action his memory , including his and said : perished night so ( ( Narrated Bazzaar ) .

    Fifth : disarmament of life when ending the schedule

    God singled some angels to disarm the lives of the people, when expire Ajalhm , that of God to them) Say The Angel of Death and all you then to your Lord you shall return ( ( prostration : verse 11).

    And those who paid with lives more than the king ) , even if one of you came death Tovih the messengers and they do not overindulge ( ( Sura cattle : verse 61 ) .

    If death comes , and inn slave insured , the angels descend upon , Tbashrh and evidenced . They herald the infidel, as well, with fire and the wrath of God on it .

    Sixth: The angels love for believers , تسديدهم the and Astgvarhm , and pray for them

    1. Affection for the believers : he r : ) If you love God slave , Jibril Club , that God has love Flana فأحبه , Jibreel loves him . Then calling Jibril , in the sky : God may love Flana , to love him. ' فيحبه the inhabitants of heaven , and placed him admission to the people of the earth ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 6931 ) .

    2. Pay believer: he r:) said Solomon son of David, peace be upon them to Otoven night a hundred women give birth every woman boy is fighting for the sake of God said to him, King Say that God did not say and forgot Votaf them did not give birth to them , but a woman half a man said the Prophet r if he said that God willing, unkept and was not allergic to need ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 4841 ) The king paid Prophet Solomon, and balances to make more sense and fuller .

    3. He says: ) and ask forgiveness for those who ءامنوا Lord encompasses all things mercy and note forgive those who repent and follow your path and anorexia torment of hell (7) of our Lord and brought them to the Garden of Eden , which promised and reconciliation of their parents , their spouses and their offspring Thou Aziz al-Hakim (Cool and anorexia deeds and Tq deeds that day has His mercy and this is a great win ( ( Ghafir : verses 7 - x 9 ).

    Seventh: their prayers to the faithful

    He says: ) is the one who prays upon you and His angels to forth from darkness to light and the believers , Most Merciful ( ( Al-Ahzab : Verse 43). And prayer of God upon His slaves meaning of mercy and praise , and prayer angels are words pray and seek forgiveness. ) Glorifying the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those in the earth but God is Forgiving, Merciful ( ( Al - Shura: verse 5).

    These models of business owners who pray to the angels :

    1. Teaches people good .

    2. Who are waiting for the prayer in congregation .

    3. Arriving in the first row .

    4. Who blocking vulva between rows, in prayer.

    5. Who يتسحرون of Siam.

    6. Those who pray on the Prophet r.

    7. Patients who return .

    8. And other good deeds , and the prayers of the angels has the effect of guidance and deliverance from the darkness of disbelief and polytheism and sin into the light , which means the curriculum and way rational True .

    Eighth: Insurance prayer of believers

    Thus, the supplication closer to answering the Messenger of Allah r) call one Muslim for his brother back of the unseen answered , when his king client , whenever called for his brother 's okay, said King entrusted him : Amen , and you so ( ( Narrated by Muslim , modern figure 4914 ).

    IX : witnesses boards of the science and shaved male

    Abu Hurayrah said : The Messenger of Allah r:) what met the people in the house of God recite the Book of Allah and يتدارسونه them , but I got them tranquility and غشيتهم compassion and حفتهم angels and reminded them of God one who has it slowed him do not accelerate its ratio ( ( Narrated by Muslim , modern No. 4867) .

    Tenth: recording angels who attend Friday prayers

    Said r:) If on Friday stood angels on the door of the mosque write first come and like Diaspora like that guides a camel and then like the one giving a cow and then a ram and then a chicken and egg if left Imam Tooa newspapers and listen to the male ( (Bukhari , Book Friday, the modern figure 877 ).

    XI : punishing the angels

    These angels who roam the roads seeking male and witness combination and groups Ataaqbon in the ground فطائفة come and go and they range meet in the morning prayer and Asr prayer .

    1. تنزلهم when the insured reads the Koran.

    2. Reach of the Prophet r peace.

    3. تبشيرهم faithful : he carried the human to Abraham that Sarozk the valid seed and preached Zechariah بيحيى . As تبشيرهم is not only the prophets , but may herald the faithful . Has preached Khadijah , the wife of the Prophet r a house in Paradise, cane , no hustle and pitching. فأخبرها the Prophet r so.

    4. Angels and vision in a dream : Aisha , may Allah be pleased with her ​​) that the Prophet r said to her : أريتك in a dream twice. I see you in the theft of silk , he says, this is your wife , Vakeshv it , if you are , I would say that Iike this from God يمضه the ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 3606 ) .

    5. Fighting with believers and Athbtohm in wars : As the battle of Badr and the trench ; Narrated Ibn Abbas said: ), while the man of the Muslims at that time intensifies the impact of a man from the polytheists in front of him as he heard a blow with a whip on it and the sound of Knight says the oldest Hizum looked to the polytheist in front of him pride lying looked at him if he has snout nose Lynx face blow whip Fajdhar the whole came Ansari came to pass that the Messenger of Allah r said ratified so extended the third heaven ( ( Narrated by Muslim , Book of Jihad and walk , talk number 3309 ). Ibn al-Qayyim : The God opened the invasion of Arabs Battle of Badr , and seal their conquest by invading nostalgia, though their seven years, and the Angels fought themselves with the Muslims in these Ghazatin , he says: ) it says to the believers Allen suffice to يمدكم Lord three Oualav of angels houses (124) Yes, that Ye and تتقوا and يأتوكم of فورهم this يمددكم the Lord five Oualav of angels terrific onslaught ( 125 ) and Allah made it but glad tidings for you and your hearts and comes only from God Aziz al-Hakim ( ( Surah Al-Imran: verses 124-126 ) .

    He says: ) as Tstgathon your Lord and He answered you that I ممدكم a thousand of the angels مردفين (9 ) and Allah made it but hope, and an assurance to your hearts and victory comes only from God that God is Mighty, Wise (10) as Agshekm drowsiness safe from it and come down upon you from heaven ( ( Al-Anfal : verses 9-11 ) .

    He says ) thy Lord inspired the angels I with you فثبتوا who believe ( ( Al-Anfal : Verse 12 )

    6. Protection of the Prophet : Abu Hurayrah said ) said Abu Jahl Are dust Muhammad and his face among you said, and was told yes he said, Lat and Uzza While I saw him do it for أطأن on his neck or أعفرن his face in the dirt , said he came Messenger of Allah r he prayed claimed to set foot on his neck , said what Fjihm him However, it turned away on his heels and obey his hands he told him what you said that me and him to a trench of fire and hula and suites The Messenger of Allah r if DNA me for kidnapped angels member member ( ( Narrated by Muslim , Book recipe paradise, the modern figure 5005) .

    7. Protect them and their victory to Salehi slaves , and relieve their Lord .

    8. Witnesses Angels funeral righteous: he said the Prophet r in Saad bin Maaz : ) this who moved his throne and opened his gates of heaven and witnessed seventy thousand of the angels have included Vibrio then Faraj him ( ( Narrated by Women , Book funerals, the modern figure 2028) .

    9. Azlalha to martyr their wings .

    10. Angels who came بالتابوت : He says: ) and told them their prophet that a Sign kingdom that comes to the coffin where tranquility from your Lord, and the rest , leaving ءال Moses and ءال Aaron afford angels ( ( Al-Baqarah : Verse 248 ), فالملائكة came the children of Israel in that period ark تطمينا them and confirmation to know that Talot is selected God Almighty Vitapauh and يطيعوه .

    11. Protection of the city , Mecca of the Antichrist : Anas t : that the Messenger of Allah , said : ) City intercourse with her ​​Antichrist, finds angels guarding , not closer quack . He said : It is not the plague , God willing ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 6601 ) .

    12. What's in angels approval of the reward and the reward : The Messenger of Allah r : a ) if the security of the imam , believe , it is and agreed locked secure angels forgiven his past sins ( ( Bukhari , Book ears , Hadith No. 738 ) .

    XII : The duty of the believer toward the angels

    1. Not to abuse : It 's not insulted, or may speak words Ieibhm .

    2. Away from sin , and the greatest upset them of infidelity and polytheism .

    3. Angels are offended by things that hurt the sons of Adam , Kalraúhh the bad dirt and grime.

    4. Is forbidden to spit right in prayer ; because if the worshiper prays standing on his right hand , the king.

    5. Angels love all of them , there is no distinction in this regard between the king and the king ; because they are all servants of God insiders his order Tarcn the prohibitions .

    XIII : the work of the angels against the infidels and evildoers .

    Quoted many of the texts that illustrate the position of business angels from the infidels ; They do not like infidel oppressors criminals , but Iedonhm and يحاربونهم , يزلزلون their hearts , as happened in the battle of Badr and parties , as well as they have the following situations :

    1. Download doom infidels . When lying Messenger of messengers of God , and his people insist on disbelief , God had come down with them, in many cases, torment , and the angels , sometimes , implement this torture .

    2. إهلاكهم sodomites . Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an : ) We Raodoh the home Aftmsna their eyes فذوقوا the My punishment and vow ( ( Moon: verse 37)

    3. Cursed infidel . Merciful says in the Holy Qur'an : ) Those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers those they curse God and the angels and all the people ( ( Al - Baqarah : Verse 161)

    Angels do not curse the infidels , but may curse of doing certain sins , these include :

    A . Angels cursed women who do not respond to her husband . Abu Hurayrah t said the Messenger of Allah r) If a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses to shreds angry with her ​​angels curse her until ( ( Bukhari , Hadith No. 2998 ) .

    B . For them, which refers to the his brother Bhdidh . And , because it involves intimidation to his brother , and because Satan may Atgeh to the kills his brother , especially if the weapon of modern weapons , which has launched a foul. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said r) of pointed his brother Bhdidh the the the angels curse him to let him ( ( Sahih Muslim , Hadith No. 4741 ) .

    C . For them who turn to the implementation of the law of God .

    D . For them who harbors up to date ; any who happen to God's command , out of its provisions, and the attack on its own legislation, or harbor from doing so, and protectors . It was narrated that the Prophet r , said : ) is the latest event or jackals, up - to - date he curse God and the angels and all the people ( ( Sunan Abu Dawood , Hadith No. 3927 ) .

    Fourteenth: trade-offs between angels and humans .

    No disagreement that the differentiation in question is the trade-off between the angels and the righteous people prophets , and the infidels and hypocrites , those astray from the beasts , as God Almighty said : ) those like cattle, but they are astray ( (Sura norms : Verse 179). It is scientists agreed preference Salehi humans and the prophets, the angels , and scientists prefer the angels, and some of them standing and cut the word. said Safarini in ( Wama Lights 2 /389) that Imam Ahmad had to say: Those who prefer the angels , and said: every believer is better than the angels.

    1. Evidence Salehi who prefer humans to angels

    A . God ordered the angels to prostrate to Adam , Without the virtues of what they ordered to prostrate to him: ) We said to the angels prostrate to Adam only worshiped Satan refused and was arrogant ( ( Al - Baqarah : Verse 34 )

    B . That God created Adam in his hand , and the creation of angels his word , ( ' Be ).

    C . Preference for sons of Adam, their science , when he asked God Almighty informed names did not answer him , and confessed they do not Ahassanunha to the , Vonbohm Adam so, God has said : ) Say Are those equal who know and those who do not know ( ( Al - Zumar: verse 9)

    عدد المساهمات : 1797
    ممكن تقييمك للمنتدى : 5398
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2012
    الموقع : مصر

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